Tree Planting Services

Davey's ISA Certified Arborists have the knowledge, expertise - and training - to ensure the right tree is planted in the right place to thrive in your local climate and soil conditions.

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Tree Planting Spacing Guide

Benefits Of Planting Trees Native To Your Region

There are so many great reasons to plant a native tree. They don’t just benefit the wildlife we share space with, but native trees can help us humans too. Here’s how:

  • Help support your local ecosystem.
  • Native trees are well-adapted to the local climate, which means they’ll have the best chance at survival.
  • While non-native trees might not do well up against local pests, native trees often don’t have as many pest problems.
Tree Next To House

How Close Can You Plant Trees To A House?

When you choose the right tree, you save yourself the future headache of roots damaging your home’s foundation or fallen leaves constantly at your front door.

A good rule of thumb is to start at about 8 to 10 feet away from your home for small trees and scale up to account for the tree’s mature height and spread.

You also don’t want to make the common mistake of planting your tree too deep.

Davey Experience Arborist

Certified Arborists & An Accredited Company

Our certified tree doctors are committed to you and the health and safety of your trees. ISA Certified Arborists have taken the opportunity to further their education and apply their advanced skills to every client interaction.

Davey is also recognized as an accredited tree care company. Our TCIA accreditation represents our position as a tree service company committed to safety, expertise and professionalism.

Trees Residential Street
Trees Residential Street

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